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About us

The Family Wellness Network is a unique marketing opportunity with the focus on both the physical and financial well-being of your family.Your lifetime membership with NEOLIFE International allows you to purchase your products wholesale.

Call  (404) 284-6272 and get and/or use your NEOLIFE ID number to make your purchase. You may also set up your own FREE NEOLIFE website. Look at it this way, you can have your own Health Food Store right in your home.
What a great business opportunity for the entire family for less than $100 (includes distributorship and health food store with our partner NEOLIFE).

Take Another look at Pro Vitality

The incidence of chronic disease, heart, cancer and diabetes is higher today than ever before. Approximately 90% of people do not get the recommended 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables daily and 70% of us eat foods that contribute to poor health. Lipids and sterols have been stripped from whole grains to increase the shelf life. Many people do not eat fish because they are concerned about heavy metals contaminants.

Government scientists estimate that a lifestyle of poor diet and lack of exercise kills about 400,000 Americans a year – as many as smoking does. The dietary solutions are the same: increase the intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and fish.The Pro Vitality pack is the state of the art whole food nutrition, clinically proven to cover the major areas of deficiency in the 21st century diet.

This convenient on-the-go Pro Vitality pack contains Tre-en-en made up of lipids and sterols, wheat, rice and soy which feeds the cells. All of our supplements are free of GMO’S (Genetically Modified Organisms).The clock is ticking so do not play with your health. Take the Pro Vitality pack three times a day. It is like a meal with whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish. Can you imagine for less than $4.00 a day one can feel better, look better, increase energy, prevent or delay those dreadful chronic diseases? Read the entire Pro Vitality Presentation on the FWN page.


Books recommended by Dr. Carmack to read

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